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The Future is Mine


At Chopwell Primary School, we believe that high quality teaching and learning in PSHCE lessons provides pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding to be confident, healthy, valued members of our community. We understand that pupils must be provided with an education that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. A key part of this relates to relationships, sex and health education, which must be delivered to every primary-aged pupil. Relationships education focusses on giving pupils the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships in adulthood but also throughout their childhood too. Health education focusses on providing pupils with the knowledge they require to make positive decisions about their own health and wellbeing. At Chopwell Primary School, we understand our responsibility to deliver a high-quality, age-appropriate relationships, sex and health education to all of our pupils. 

In Early Years, children develop friendships which helps them to understand different points of view. They become socially skilled and are able to cooperate with others and seek adult support when necessary. Children are encouraged to talk about their own feelings and emotions and understand how their actions can affect others. Children learn about the need for variety in the food they eat and changes to their bodies when they are feeling unwell or tired. Children learn about the importance of physical activity and the positive impact it has on their health. This allows our pupils to have a good understanding of themselves, their feelings, health and self-care which is built upon in our PSHCE lessons. 

Please see our equality page for equality information and some of the great equality work we do in PSHCE and the wider curriculum.
We worked with Digital Voice to make our own safety video and posters- click the below link and see what you think 
This week, we have been learning about the things we can do in our school to be united against bullying. We wore odd socks to school to celebrate our differences and individuality. We designed anti-bullying t-shirts, made anti-bullying pledges and even took part in a virtual anti-bullying quiz. 

This week we have been encouraging children to FIND THEIR BRAVE as part of Children's Mental Health Week. Children brought in an object which they felt showed a time in their lives when they were brave. We talked in classes about the way we feel when we need to be brave. We also thought about the positive feelings we experience when we have achieved something we didn't think was possible.

For World Mental Health Day, we took Year 6 to Gibside to learn about what Mental Health is and how we can ensure we take care of our mental health just like our physical health. We took part in meditation, mood and drawing workshops.

The Anti Bullying Ambassadors have started running a friendship club each Wednesday lunchtime. The Ambassadors felt it was important for all children to have the opportunity to make new friends from different classes.

Our mini police are role models for the younger children- we're very lucky to take part in such a brilliant initiative.

Thank you for all the generous donations for Operation Christmas Child and a special mention to our school councillors who have spent their lunchtimes sorting and labelling boxes.

Our Mini Police squad received their uniforms and Lanyards today - I'm sure you'll agree they looked so smart. We also had a couple of special visitors from the dogs section. 

The children have been looking at feelings this half term in PSHE. This week they looked at their worries. They were encouraged to write down their worry, say it out loud, think about how they could solve their worry, scrumple the worry up and throw it in the bin. The children said they felt much better!

Y3 have been looking at caring for the environment in PSHE. They went for a walk in their local community to look at some of the flowers they planted just after Christmas. They were very proud to have contributed to making their environment look even more pretty.

The School Council have been working hard this half term to reduce the amount of litter in our environment by taking part in a litter pick. The children have managed to achieve the bronze award for our 'Green Tree School' by doing this.

Here our some pictures of our balloon launch to celebrate our anti-bullying message of 'All Different, All Equal.'

The children in Y3 and 4 were visited by the dentist to link with our hygiene focus. The children learnt about the importance of keeping our teeth and mouth clean.
