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The Future is Mine

Art and DT

We value the teaching of art and design and technology here at Chopwell and look forward to showing off our final products after we've spent time evaluating and improving them. Have a look at the videos and pictures below to see our curriculum in action or follow the links to see how and where these stills are taught.  

Choppy the Wallaby after school club


Choppy the Wallaby

Uploaded by Digital Voice on 2023-01-23.

Whole School Art Afternoon

To end the term the children displayed their art work in each classroom and invited other classes to view their work. The children based their art work around their curriculum topic. 


Pupil Voice

As the children walked around school we took this opportunity to check in with the children to find out their thoughts and opinions on what they have been learning in Art across the school. 


"Nursey space was my favourite!"

Reception child


"Is this all the juniors work? I am impressed!"

Year 1 child


"The rocket ship is cool!"

Year 1 child


"I would give this 10/10!"

Year 4 child


"Look at their art - it's amazing!"

Year 4 child


"I liked how everyone made something different from the same subject, they were all very different and had their own unique design."

Year 5 child


"My favourite class was Nursey. I appreciated all the effort they have put in.!

Year 5 child 


"The children in Reception are so imaginative and creative!"

Year 6 child


"They really do look like Freida Kalo."

Year 6 child

STEM club

Still image for this video
We were given a few challenges in STEM club this week.

Year 6 produced some amazing animal collages.

Making Air Raid Shelters in Year 5
