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The Future is Mine

Year 5 Mrs Pearson

Welcome to our Year 5 page!


We are so pleased to be back together after the summer holidays and start our jam packed Autumn Term. The children have all settled in and are ready for a fun filled half term. This half term we are learning all about the Blue Planet. We are reading 'Flotsam' and using it as our writing stimulus to write a story ending, an advert and a non-chronological report. In Science we will be looking at evolution and inheritance and in geography we will be learning all about our oceans and coastlines. We have lots of fun activities planned so keep popping back on our page for updates! 

Athletics workshop

We took part in an athletics workshop with Mrs Chapple from Thorp Academy. We learnt different techniques for throwing, jumping and running. We really enjoyed learning these new skills and will be able to practise them on sports day!

Year 5 trip to the Oriental Museum

This half-term in History, children have been looking at the Shang Dynasty in China. The Shang Dynasty was the earliest known dynasty in Chinese Civilisation, dated from 1600BC-1046BC. In an exciting trip to the Oriental Museum, the children were able to consolidate their learning, have a look at some Shang artefacts and become mini-archaeologists for the day. Children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the different aspects of Shang life, how Shang artefacts were used, the meaning of pictograms which were used on oracle bones, and creating their own bronze pot, using a collage of sheet metal with different patterns. 

Creative Climate NUSTEM

As a class we have taken part in an exciting project through NUSTEM. Our task was to use our artistic skills to describe where we are geographically. The children decided to draw the places that make up our community in Chopwell. We discussed Chopwell Woods, the pump track and the Chopwell mining wheel. 

02.03.23 - English experience day

Today we all had a go at performing some circus skills. Our book 'The man who walked between the towers' follows the story of Phillipe Petit who was a performer. The children enjoyed juggling with balls and scarves, using diabolos, spinning plates and walking on a thin beam. This experience will help with our writing this week as the children now know what it is like to perform the skills of Phillipe Petit. 

Cooking with the Pickle Palace - Parent workshop 2 (21.11.22)

Year 5/6 Tag Rugby - 18.10.22

Today our Tag rugby team played 5 matches against other Gateshead schools at Ryton RUFC. Our team played absolutely amazing with some fantastic tries scored. Well done Team Chopwell- we are so proud of you!

Library visit - 06.10.22

Today we visited our local library. As our topic is about our Blue Planet we learnt about plastic pollution in our oceans. We used materials to make a face and had to decide which materials were recyclable and which ones were not. 

STEM workshop - 29.09.22

Today we had the pleasure of meeting Sally from the Sea Cadets. She worked with us and taught us all about buoyancy and marine engineering. The children loved learning all about marine engineering and have even considered it as a future career path. We all then got given the challenge to plan and design a boat. We were all given the same materials and same amount of time to construct our boat which had to float. The boat which held the most marbles won! One group managed 184 marbles - Well done Team 5P!!
