This week the children have enjoyed making Halloween crafts and participating in a ‘Halloween Treasure Hunt’- where they used pictorial clues and positional language to find where they needed to go. They also had a lot of fun making ‘Spider Chocolate Crispy Cakes’ and learnt why it is important to wash their hands before handling food.
The children decided to be superheroes, just like ‘Supertato’, who saved the day from a very, very naughty pea, who was on the loose. They used pincer grip actions to pick out the peas from one cup and transfer them into an empty cup. They also had lots of fun making their own ‘Supertatos!’
After reading one of our favourite stories “A Superhero Like You” the children were so keen to talk about different occupations and asked lots of questions about what scientists do. Some children even asked if we could be scientists, so that is exactly what we did! Children developed fine motor skills carefully pouring and using pipettes and syringes. Children were amazed at the different colours they could make by mixing coloured water. It is so fabulous being led by the children’s interests.
In Reception we have the opportunity to lead our own learning through our plan, do review routine. We have the opportunitiy to plan what we are going to, this includes discussing what resources we might need and how we are going to complete the task. At the end of the day we review our learning, this gives us the opportunity to show of our learning and think about what skills we have used and what we could do to improve next time. Plan, do review gives us the opportunity to practise key skills in a range of contexts and therefore deepy embed our learning.
Reception children have enjoyed collecting natural materials a forest school. They used these to crate some amazing art in nature, exploring shape and pattern!
We have had a brilliant first day! We have loved exploring our new classroom and making new friends!