Welcome to Year 4
Spend time today or over the holidays completing the booklet entitled ‘All About Me’ ready for Mrs Cuthbertson when you return school in September.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 12 Lesson 4 Draw on a Grid
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Try out this fun mystery game!
Analyse the clues and solve the mystery of the melting ice-cream?
Architectural Research
Read about the Dancing House. Think about the questions, solve the problem and draw what one of the rooms inside the building would look like.
Read through the steps for today.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 12 Lesson 3 Describe Position
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Try out this fun mystery game!
Analyse the clues and solve the mystery of the spoiled party bags?
Architectural Research
Read about skyscrapers. Think about the questions, solve the problem and draw your very own skyscraper.
Read through the steps for today.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 12 Lesson 2 Complete a Symmetric Figure
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Try out this fun mystery game!
Analyse the clues and solve the mystery at the monkey mystery animal antics zoo?
Architectural Research
Read about the Tudor House. Think about the questions, solve the problem and draw your perfect Tudor House.
Read through the steps for today.
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the poem ‘Vinnies Vile Vegetables’. Answer the questions about the poem.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 12 Lesson 1 Lines of Symmetry
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Try out this fun mystery game!
Analyse the clues and solve the mystery at the swimming baths?
Architectural Research
Read about the Colosseum. Think about the questions, solve the problem and draw what the building would have looked like.
Read through the steps for today.
Complete the Friday Family Challenge.
The most suitable questions for year 4 are 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Topic – Art
Read through the letters for Eddie and Dotty. Can you draw and design a building that matches what they want? I look forward to seeing your designs on the class Facebook page.
Read through the steps for today.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 11 Lesson 4 Quadrilaterals
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Art
Read the facts about the Sydney Opera House. Try and create a design for the roof of the Opera House.
Try out this family fun cardio workout.
Read through the steps for today.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 11 Lesson 3 Triangles
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Art
Read the facts about the Taj Mahal. Create a symmetrical version of the Taj Mahal – read through both options and decided which one you wish to do. Trace over the template or create a reflection.
Read through the steps for today.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 11 Lesson 2 Compare and Order Angles
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Art
Look at St Basil’s Cathedral and study the pattern and colour. Choose a challenge card and colour in St Basils Cathedral in based upon the challenge. You can use, paints, crayons coloured pencils etc. Take photographs and upload your pictures on the class Facebook page.
Read through the steps for today.
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the report on ‘Wimbeldon’. Skim and scan the text to highlight or identify the words. Only complete page 6 or 7.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 11 Lesson 1 Identify Angles
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Art
Explore the architecture by Sir Christopher Wren. Can you find any interesting facts about Sir Christopher Wren? Use a pencil and repair one of the pictures of St Paul’s Cathedral.
Twelve times table
Practise your Twelve times table song
Read through the steps for today.
Complete the Friday Family Challenge.
The most suitable questions for Year 4 are 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Write out the certificate at the end.
Topic – Art
Explore the architecture of different buildings.
Look at the buildings and rank them based upon your favourite buildings to least favourite.
Try drawing your favourite building.
Read through the steps for today.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 10 Lesson 4 Line Graphs
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Science
Watch the video ‘What does your skeleton do?’ - then fill in the missing words.
Watch the video ‘How do your muscles work?’ - then fill in the missing words.
Try following some of the songs on Just Dance
Read through the steps for today.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 10 Lesson 3 Introducing Line Graphs
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Science
Watch the video then read through the information looking at how muscles work. Try matching the muscles and joints.
Extra Topic – Science
If you have the resources why not make a pair of working muscles by following the instructions.
Read through the steps for today.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 10 Lesson 2 Comparison, sum and difference
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Science
Watch the video then read through the information looking at how muscles work. Try and label the muscles then complete the table by identifying the main muscles used when carrying out everyday household activities and jobs.
Read through the steps for today.
Look at the front cover on the 2nd page and predict what the story could be about.
Read the story and answer questions about the story.
Make notes about the three characters, remember to say ‘I know this because…’
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the tennis reports and retrieve the correct answers from the text ‘The Final’ – to be completed across the week.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 10 Lesson 1 Interpret Charts
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Science
Read through the information looking at different skeletons. Cut and stick the animals based on the type of skeleton they have.
Ten and Eleven times table
Play Hit the Button.
Let me know how many you get correct in one minute using the Facebook class page.
Read through the steps for today. Read and learn a poem by heart (use the top tips to help). Make a comparison between two poems, use the frame to help. Create an illustration to represent a poem from yesterday.
Complete the Friday Family Challenge.
The most suitable questions for Year 4 are 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Write out the certificate at the end.
Time for a quiz! Have fun and play the game five lives. Try and get family members to join in with you.
Or you can watch the video and complete the exercise and quiz on – ‘What does your skeleton do.’
Read through the steps for today. Read the poems and choose your favourite. Answer questions about your poem. Read the top tips for reading a poem out loud. Practise reading your poem out loud. Make a video – read your poem and upload it onto the class Facebook page.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Lesson 2 – Checking Strategies
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Watch the video about skeletons.
Can you cut out and create a skeleton? Or try and label the different bones.
Try rainbow yoga with Adriene
Read through the steps for today’s work. Look at the illustration, can you spot 10 different things? Use the illustration to help you plan a story for Ananse and the birds. Write out your story and include as many conjunctions for cause, time and place as possible.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Lesson 1 – Estimate Answers
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Learn all about food chains. Create a food chain and research each animal/plant in the food chain.
Read through the steps for today’s work. Read ‘Why Pig Has a Short Snout’. Compare it to the other Ananse story. Summaries the story then work on conjunctions for time, cause and place.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Week 9 Lesson 4 – Solve Problems with Money
The worksheet and answers has been downloaded onto the school class page.
Learn all about food chains. Try and create examples of food chains. Try the food chain challenges.
Read the short story ‘Ananse and the Pot of Wisdom’
Summarise the story then practise using conjunctions.
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the poem and retrieve the correct answers from the text ‘New Year, New Chances’ – to be completed across the week.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 9 Lesson 3 Estimating Money Write
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Science
Read through the information on food groups. Create an example of an Eatwell plate.
Nine times table
Why not try something different and play Hit the Button.
Counting by Nine
Are you up for the challenges?
Complete the ten challenges today. Upload photographs or write your results down on the class Facebook page. Have fun!
Read through the steps. Read the poem ‘All Creatures’ and answer the questions about it. Recap on noun phrases and identify the noun phrases. Plan and write a poem with noun phrases.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Subtract two four-digit numbers - one exchange
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Buildings
Continue working on the buildings project.
Tomorrow is the school virtual sports day! Get your heart rate up today by making sure you complete Joe Wick’s PE lesson for today. Take pictures of yourself after the session or tell me how it made you feel on the Facebook page.
Read through the steps. Use your storyboard from day 1. Write out the story from the point of view of the prey. Remember it is a personal recount. Include your adverbials from yesterday.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Subtract two four-digit numbers no exchange
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Buildings
Try the quiz! Can you name any of the buildings before looking at the answers?
Research and write a project about buildings. Choose between 3 and 5 buildings from around the world to research and talk about. (This is a project to complete over the rest of the week.)
Only three more days till the virtual sports day on Friday! Try and see how many jumping jacks you can do in 1 minute and record your results on the Facebook page.
Read through the steps. Read through the recap on adverbials. Practise finding adverbials on ‘The Little Mouse Adverbial’ worksheet. Use your story board from yesterday ‘Narrow Escape’ to try and write adverbials to include in your story.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Ordering decimals and comparing decimals
Watch the video to recap on ordering decimals. Choose decimals from the worksheet and order the decimals. Then choose decimals on the worksheet and compare them using the greater than and smaller than signs (<, >).
Topic – Buildings
Reading the facts about pyramids, research other Egyptians buildings and record your findings as a report, power point or mind map (your choice).
Only four more days till the virtual sports day on Friday! Tell me what you have done today to stay fit today. Take pictures or videos and post them on the Facebook page.
Watch the short video about the impala and the leopard and make notes on the 2nd page.
Use the pictures to help plan a story about a narrow escape, talk about your plan and keep your ideas ready for the next day.
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the short emails and retrieve the correct answers from the text ‘Getting Ready for the Games’ – to be completed across the week.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 8 Lesson 1 Write Decimals
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Buildings
Reading the facts about pyramids and answer the questions.
Eight times table
Play Hit the Button.
Counting by Eight
Look under the image and read the start of the story about the Forbidden Tower.
Can you continue Lucy's story as she visits the Forbidden Tower? Where was the crow going? What would Lucy find inside?
Maths Family Challenge – read and display fun football data in a bar chart.
Watch the videos, try the quiz and complete the worksheet, it has three levels which get harder.
Continue your work on the research project started yesterday - the Colosseum. You could even sketch or create a 3D replica of the building.
With it being a wet, miserable day why not try some exciting paintings.
Use the web link below to access the videos to learn about synonyms and antonyms.
Watch the videos and work through the activities, complete the worksheet and try the word search.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 7 Lesson 4 Dividing 1 and 2 digits by one hundred
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Mini project to be completed over the next two days. What can you find out about the Roman Colosseum?
Are you still following Joe Wicks? Remember come September you will need to have a good fitness level so you can take part in the year five cycle rides so why not make sure you are fit and up for the challenge by following Joe Wicks every day.
Use the web link below to access the videos to understand what inference means.
Watch the videos and work through the activities, complete the worksheet.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 7 Lesson 3 Hundredths as Decimals
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Look at the photographs of various Roman aqueducts. Research what an aqueduct was used for or trying creating a 3D model of an aqueduct.
Use the web link below to access the videos about using inverted commas.
Watch the video and work through the activities, complete the worksheet.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 7 Lesson 2 Divide two digits by 10
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Look at the photographs of various Roman buildings. Can you find similarities and differences between the buildings? Which building do you prefer and why?
Topic - Something different
Read through the instructions on how to build a Roman Colonnade and Arched Colonnade, try making the Colonnades, which one is stronger? You could link pictures of the Colonnades to the class Facebook page.
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed. Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the text and retrieve the correct answers from the text ‘Buying and Selling in China’ – to be completed across the week.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Summer Week 7 Lesson 1 Tenths as a decimal
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Buildings
Research Roman buildings and share your interesting facts on the class Facebook page.
Seven times table
Why not try something different and play Hit the Button. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Sergeant Seven http://www.powerdotmath.com/sevens-video.html
Write a setting description.
Look at the picture of the frozen palace. Write a setting description describing what you can see, hear and touch. Included adjectives and expanded noun phrases. You could even include similes.
Maths Family Challenge.
Work through questions 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 which are suitable for year four but as a family you could try the rest of the problems. If you get the answers correct you could down load the certificate and add your name.
Learn about life in the Iron Age.
Complete Activity two. Which outfit would you rather wear in a battle between a Roman soldier and a Celtic warrior.
Watch the videos to help you talk about French food and clothes.
Complete activity two. Match the English and French words for food.
Use the web link below to access the videos to revise using apostrophes for possession.
Watch the video and work through the activities.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 6 Lesson 4 Calculate Quantities
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Learn about life in the Bronze Age.
Create a poster full of facts about living in the Bronze Age.
Why not try Yoga for a change? Yoga for kids.
Use the web link below to access the videos to revise using apostrophes for contraction (combining words).
Watch the videos and work through the activities.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 6 Lesson 3 Fractions of Quantities
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Complete the comprehension about Stonehenge. Use question page B.
Use the web link below to access the videos about using brackets to add extra information.
Watch the video and work through the three activities.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 6 Lesson 2 Subtract 2 Fractions
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
What would you like to find out about Stonehenge? Draw and label a sketch of Stonehenge.
Spelling Shed for this term has been updated.
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the text and retrieve the correct answers from the text ‘Stig of the Dump Chapter One’ – to be completed across the week. The text has 16 pages so take your time reading.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 6 Lesson 1 Add 2 or more Fractions
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Topic – Buildings
Answer the questions on each page about living during the Stone Age.
Write a diary of what a day would be like living in a cave - remember to include thoughts and feelings.
Create a formal report.
Work through the actives and write a formal report about badgers or you could stick with this week’s science topic and write about plants and the plant life cycle. I have included a planning sheet for both topics.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 5 Lesson 5 Friday Maths Challenge
Try challenges 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Learn about the life cycle of a plant and complete the life cycle worksheet.
Holiday Work - Extra Science Activities
Can you make a plant classification key similar to the example? You can draw or write the names of the plants on your sheet.
If you have the equipment, try making a biodome.
Add extra information to a sentence using subordination conjunctions.
Work through the activities and complete the worksheet.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 4 Lesson 4 Perimeter of a Rectilinear Shape
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Complete the comprehension – How weeds get everywhere. You only need to answer the first set of questions.
Complete the seed dispersal sorting activity. You could draw a grid in your book for this and write the names of the seeds under the correct headings.
Cop out the 2nd part of the plant poem.
Follow Joe Wicks or for a change why not learn this short dance to ‘Rockabye’
Use the web link below to access the videos about understanding the difference between formal and informal language.
Work through the activities.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 4 Lesson 3 Perimeter of a Rectilinear Shape
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Watch the short video and decide if plants need soil.
Write up the experiment as a set of instructions.
Make predictions (guess) what the outcome of each experiment would be.
Use the web link below to access the videos about fact or opinion.
Work through the activities then identify the facts and opinion within the text.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 4 Lesson 2 Perimeter of a Rectangle
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Use the web link to find out what plants need to live
Plan an investigation – what plants need to grow well and make a prediction (guess) of what you think will happen.
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the text and retrieve the correct answers from the text ‘Get Back on the Bike’ – to be completed across the week.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 4 Lesson 1 Multiply and divide problem solving
Worksheet and answers have been downloaded on the school class page.
Look at the possible jobs you could do if you are interested in learning about plants.
Recap on what plants need to be able to grow healthy.
Identify plants in your garden or on a walk.
Use the web link below to access the videos from yesterday about how to write a diary.
Imagine you are one of the characters in the Lowry painting. Write a dairy about a day in a city surrounded by tall buildings and noise.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths through cooking
Summer Week 3 Lesson 5 Friday Challenge
Copy one of the photographs of an industrial landscape in the same style as Lowry. Add people to the landscape in the style of Lowry.
Look at the two artists from the past two weeks – Hockney & Lowry. Which artists style do you like the most and why? Write down, create a power point or do a short video to tell me which you prefer.
Use the web link below to access the videos about how to write a diary.
Work through the videos and activities, then use the information to write a diary about Grace Darling.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 3 Lesson 4 Divide 3 Digits by 1 Digit
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
Draw and industrial landscape with people in the same style as Lowry.
Copy out the poem in your neatest handwriting.
Follow Joe Wicks or for a change why not learn this short dance to ‘Shake it Off’ by Taylor Swift.
Use the web link below to access the videos about similes and metaphors.
Work through the activities and write your own sentences using similes and metaphors – be creative and imaginative.
Write a short poem about an animal using similes and metaphors or even about a person in one of paintings produced by Lowry.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 3 Lesson 3 Divide 2 Digits by 1 Digit
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
Look at the Lowry paintings. Think about the people in his paintings and what they are doing. Draw people in the same style as Lowry.
Use the web link below to access the videos about coordinating conjunctions.
Work through the activities and write your own sentences using coordinating conjunctions.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 3 Lesson 2 Multiply 3 Digits by 1 Digit
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
Read about the artist LS Lowry then answer the questions about him.
Learn about how sequencing and programming make computers work.
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the text and retrieve the correct answers about ‘Same but Different’ looking at different schools – to be completed across the week.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 3 Lesson 1 Multiply 2 Digits by 1 Digit
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
What do you know and what can you find out about LS Lowry?
Look at the photo and choose a person from the street party. Write a diary from their point of view.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 2 Lesson 4 Ordering Money
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
Look at the landscape images. Choose one and draw or paint it in the style of David Hockney. Use your own landscape image if you prefer.
Follow Joe Wicks or for a change why not learn this short dance to ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ by Justin Timberlake.
Times Tables
Use the web link below to access the videos about fronted adverbials.
Work through the activities and worksheet.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 2 Lesson 3 Pounds and pence
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
Read about the artist David Hockney and think about his landscapes and the questions. Try and sketch, paint or colour in one of his landscapes using his techniques and colours if possible.
Extra History
What do you know about VE Day? Read the information and watch the video about VE Day.
Design a medal for a soldier who served in the 2nd World War.
Use the web link below to access the videos about paragraphs.
Work through the activities and worksheet.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 2 Lesson 2 Halves and quarters
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
Read about the artist David Hockney then answer the questions about him.
Learn about pulse and rhythm by clapping and using your body. Watch the video and try the activity.
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the text and retrieve the correct answers about Adventures of Steam Punk Pirates – to be completed across the week.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 2 Lesson 1 Round Decimals
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
What do you know and what can you find out about David Hockney.
Use all the research you have collected about the UK and write a non-chronological report.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid todays Maths work.
Start with Summer Week 1 Lesson 5 Family Challenge
The answers are also available on this web page once the children have completed their work.
Research how the UK has changed over time. Focus on Chopwell, Newcastle, London or the beach. Write a report or create a mind map to show how the UK has changed.
Use the web link below to access the videos about using an apostrophe to show possession.
Work through the activities and worksheet.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid todays Maths work.
Start with Summer Week 1 Lesson 4 Order Decimals
The answers are also available on this web page once the children have completed their work.
Continue to work on you report comparing the UK and Italy.
Copy out the wind poem in your neatest writing.
Use the web link below to access the videos about apostrophes to combine words.
Work through the activities then try writing your own sentences containing contracted words.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid todays Maths work.
Start with Summer Week 1 Lesson 3 Compare Decimals
The answers are also available on this web page once the children have completed their work.
Over the next two days create a report comparing the UK and Italy. Look at similarities and differences between the two places.
Use the web link below to access the videos about adverbs and adverbial phrases.
Work through the activities and worksheet.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Start with Summer Week 1 Lesson 2 Write Decimals
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
Compare the Lake District and the Derwent Walk. Which one do you prefer and why?
Work through the worksheet and use Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Guided Reading
Read the text and retrieve the correct facts about coastal features – to be completed across the week.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid your Maths work.
Summer Week 1 Lesson 1 Make a Whole
The answers are also available on this web page once the work is completed.
Create a castle fact file, power point or 3D image.
Try a ten-minute work, you will need a coin.
Well Being
Discus the importance of being a team player.
Complete the sentences on the worksheet.
Use the web link below to access the photograph to inspire your writing for today. The title of the photograph is Mountain Pass. Your task is to write a setting description.
Use expanded noun phrases and your senses to describe walking through the pass. Write it in the past tense.
You could also include:
Use the web link below to access the video to aid todays Maths work.
Start with Week 2 Lesson 5 Divide 1 and 2 digits by 100
The answers are also available on this web page once the children have completed their work.
Use your own knowledge and the internet (using safe websites) to list as many places as you can in the UK that would go underneath the two headings ‘Physical and Human’.
Choose one physical and one human place you have listed and create a fact file for each. You could include, pictures, drawings, bullet points.
Keep using Joe Wicks daily PE lessons.
For a change try this short 8-minute exercise video.
Choose which character to follow and complete the exercise move along with the character.
Use the web link below to access the videos about verbs and verb families.
Complete the interactivity activities on the web page and complete the worksheets on past tense verbs and verb families.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid todays Maths work.
Start with Week 2 Lesson 4 Hundredths on a place value grid
The answers are also available on this web page once the children have completed their work.
Today you will learn about urban and rural Britain.
Make lists of what you can see in the photographs – looking for similarities and differences. Think about the vocabulary you will need to use.
Which do you prefer and why?
Draw in your books urban and rural landscapes.
Use the web link below to access the videos about expanded nouns phrases.
Complete the interactivity activities on the web page and then copy out the expanded noun phrases from the worksheet.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid todays Maths work.
Start with Week 2 Lesson 3 Hundredths as Decimals
The answers are also available on this web page once the children have completed their work.
Task 1 - Label the seas and oceans around the UK. You can add this to the map you created yesterday. Use the map provided to fill in the table to show where each of the rivers are in the UK, and the sea that each one flows into.
Task 2 - Look at the map showing all of the counties across England. Answer the questions using the compass points to help locate the counties on the map.
For today, more work on homophones. Try reading each sentence for all three worksheets, choose the correct homophone for each sentence. Then copy at least ten sentences into your book using your neatest joined handwriting. Don’t forget to use Spelling Shed for more work on homophones.
Use the web link below to access the video to aid todays Maths work.
Start with Week 2 Lesson 2 Hundredths
The answers are also available on this web page once the children have completed their work.
For today why not try drawing your own map similar to the worksheet. Label the map with the countries and capital cities. Once you have done that try and be creative for making a flag. You could draw the flags in your book. Or you could try making a collage flag, a flag made of natural resources in the garden. Be imaginative if you can and post your flag on the class Facebook page.
Six times table
Why not try something different and play Hit the Button. See if you can beat your own score.
For all the singers out there. Try singing a few songs similar to the ones used in assembly.
Reading - try something different
David Walliams' short stories are read aloud each week day at 11am, but you can still access them after 11am!
Spelling Shed for this term has been updated. Each set of spellings will run over two weeks as well as the assignment spellings.
The first set of spellings this term is homophones.
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Use the web link below to access the video to aid todays Maths work.
Start with Week 2 Lesson 1 Divide 2-digits by 10.
The answers are also available on this web page once the children have completed their work.
Weekly Times table song x 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7rYbk9PNuM
Easter Homework
I have added a few fun art and D&T activities for the children to try over the Easter Holidays. It would be great if the children could really focus on their reading over the holidays. To help with this I have included a few 60 second reads with the answers.
Another way to help push the children forward with their reading is to log on to https://www.getepic.com/ to read. Log onto STUDENT and enter the class code: trp0521. If required, enter the class pin: 4444. Children can read a book in their Accelerated Reader ZPD and can take some quizzes on the site. Some of the titles also have quizzes on the usual Accelerated Reader site- don't forget to use the school log in: https://ukhosted90.renlearn.co.uk/2244910
You can check which books are available for quizzes by logging on to: https://www.arbookfind.co.uk/
Online Learning
More online websites for the children to use:
Oxford Owls https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
TT Rock Stars https://ttrockstars.com/
Weekly times table song x 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SwaOvWD-PY
Easter Homework - Art and D&T
Look at the Death mask template and copy it into your work book. Draw a copy of the Egyptian Death masks. Look at examples of Death masks on line - think about the colours you could use and the design to create a Death mask of your own.
Use the template and copy the cartouche into your work book. (A cartouche is a name plate attached to coffins. The ancient Egyptians wanted to make sure that their two souls - the Ba and the Ka - could find their way back to their tomb at night, after they died) Using Hieroglyphics write you name on the cartouche and colour it in just like the Ancient Egyptians.
Or why not try designing a catapult just like the Romans.
Home Learning - Monday 30th March 2020
For each lesson this week there is a short video to watch for guidance.
The video link is as follows:
The answers are also available on this web page once the children have completed their work.
Monday – Lesson 1 – Recognise tenths as hundreds
Tuesday – Lesson 2 – Tenths as decimals
Wednesday – Lesson 3 – Tenths on a place value grid
Thursday – Lesson 4 – Tenths on a number line
Friday – Lesson – Dividing one digit by 10
Times Tables for this week:
Create a set of digit cards (numbers 1 to 12) and test yourself - just like we do in class:
Weekly times table song x7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gcX24F_U4c
Last weeks times table song x 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7rYbk9PNuM
Times Table Check
Try using the link below to test your times table knowledge. View your score and challenge a family member to see who can achieve the best score in your house.
Oxford Owl
Reading - Log on to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ Click on my class login the user name and password is chopwell4
Children can read a book of their choice and take an Accelerated Reader quiz if it is on Accelerated Reader (some will not be unfortunately). You can check if it is using https://www.arbookfind.co.uk/UserType.aspx?RedirectURL=%2fdefault.aspx
Monday 23rd March 2020
Weekly times table song x7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gcX24F_U4c
Last weeks times table song x 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7rYbk9PNuM
Dear Parents/ Carers and all year 4 pupils,
I will update this page daily with lessons that your child can complete whilst the school is closed. The work set can be completed in the exercise book provided. Each day, I will provide work for the core subjects : Maths and English. In addition to this, I will set topic work which can be completed over the course of the week.
When children return to school all work completed should be returned to school so that teachers can see what your child has been able to do.
Online Platforms
Inside the exercise book provided children have their log in details for Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling Shed.
TT Rock Stars https://ttrockstars.com/
Spelling Shed https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb
Accelerated Reader - children can read and quiz at home using this link: https://ukhosted90.renlearn.co.uk/2244910/default.aspx
Try following Joe Wicks with his amazing PE lessons. Link Below: