Home Page
The Future is Mine

Year 1 / 2 – Mrs Kelly

Welcome to Year 1/2!

Mrs Kelly

Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!

During our topic on castles, we designed and made shields.

Buona Sera. We learned about Italy during International Week. We tasted pasta, pizza and olives and learned a few Italian phrases. We made pictures and collages to go on our display.

Year 1/2 have been studying explorers this term. We have braved the weather to do our own exploring by going on a bear hunt in our fantastic forest school!

1/2B Parent Workshop



Thanks to all those who were able to attend the workshop! Everybody had a great time! The children were so pleased to show you their portrait skills.

We Are Super Scientists! 

Year 1/2 have been looking at Isaac Newton and Thomas Edison to develop their research, questioning and experimenting skills this term. Have a look at all the things we've been up to!
