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The Future is Mine

Year 2 Mr Orman/Mrs Coates

Year 2 really enjoyed their trip to Thorp for the athletics festival. Everyone showed enthusiasm, resilience and hard work through every activity. Well done Team Chopwell!

In computing, we have been looking at grouping objects based on their properties such as colour, size and shape. We then started to use our grouping skills to sort information gathered on tally charts, and input the data digitally.

In history, We having been comparing transport from then and now. We looked at the appearance of cars, and discussed how people travelled before they were invented. We explored the work of George Stephenson and his invention of the first locomotive to carry passengers. We also explored the Wright brothers and their contribution to aviation.

Autumn 1 - Science - Materials

In science, we have been looking at everyday materials. We compared natural and man-made materials and talked about the properties and what they could be used for. We explored which materials change shape and how that affects what different things can be used for. We also used paper to make bridges to explore how changing the shape of a material can affect how useful it is for a specific job.
