PE in Year 1
In Chopwell Primary School the children in Year 1 will explore…
1. Fitness
In this unit children should continue to develop fundamental movement skills, such as running, jumping, balancing and hopping. Children will also improve physical components such as strength, speed, agility, co-ordination and stamina. Then apply these skills in a range of activities. Children will understand how to negotiate space, explore movements and engage in discussions around the benefits of regular exercise and why eating well is good for you.
Children will be able to:
· The importance of fitness for overall health.
· Names of various exercises and how to carry them out e.g. plank, squats, burpees etc.
· Experience competition against self and others.
· Explore the changes that happen to the body during a fitness session e.g., breathing, heart, face, temperature.
2. Football
In this unit children improve and apply basic skills in games. They play games that demand simple choices and decisions on how to use space to avoid opponents, keep the ball and score points. In all games activities, children think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit their opponents.
Children will be able to:
· Understand that invasion games include attackers and defenders, basic tackling skill
· Stop the ball with control
· Pass the ball to a partner using correct passing technique
· Dribble the ball using small touches, with control
· Shoot the ball with control and accuracy into a target.
3. Multi-Skills
In this unit children develop basic game-playing skills, in particular throwing and catching, balancing, changing direction and moving with control. They play games based on net games, and games based on striking and fielding games. They have the opportunity to play one against one, in pairs and teams. In all game activities, children think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit opposition.
Children will be able to:
· Navigate safely into spaces and working together as a team
· Build on previous hand-eye co-ordination skills and apply this to throwing objects at a target
· Move with equipment in different directions
· Balance on the floor and on low apparatus, including balancing equipment on their bodies.
4. Gymnastics
In this unit children investigate movement, stillness, and how to fins and use space safely. They explore basic gymnastic actions on the floor and using apparatus. They copy or create, remember and repeat, short movement phrases of ‘like’ linked actions e.g. two jumps, or two rolls. In gymnastics as a whole, children use skills and agilities individually, in combination and sequence, with the aim of showing as much control and precision as possible.
Children will be able to:
· Show basic control and co-ordination when travelling
· Choose and link actions, remember and repeat actions accurately
· Identify and copy basic actions of gymnasts
· Understand vocabulary such as; rolling, travelling, climbing, balancing
· Make their body tense, relax, stretch and curl.
5. Dance
In this unit children explore basic body actions, e.g. jumping and turning, and use different parts of their body to make movements. They create and repeat short dances inspired by themes - animals. In dance as a whole, children think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts.
Children will be able to:
· Recognise the beat of the music and move in time with the beat
· Perform basic dance movements in time to music
· Remember and rehearse choreography
· Perform rehearsed choreography to an audience.
6. Athletics
In this unit children should learn to apply basic athletic skills and techniques to a range of activities. These skills include jumping, hopping, balancing with control, running with control and co-ordination and throwing towards a target. Children explore and develop their locomotor, stability and manipulation skills.
Children will be able to:
· Explore simple skills and techniques of running, jumping and throwing.
· Run with control at different speeds.
· Experience competition against self and others.
· Explore the changes that happen to the body during different types of athletic activities.
· Explore how to exercise safely.